Our quality system is an integral part of our mission. VIAN S.A. has been certified pursuant to the requirements of trusted organisations and it is ensured by:
- ISO 9001/13485
- TÜV Certification, regarding the storage and distribution of organic infant milk
- Inspections & audits by national authorities
- Inspections & audits by partners
- Self-inspection
Organisational activities are supported by certificates of quality:
- ISO 9001 – Marketing, Sales & Distribution
- ISO 13485 – Medical devices
- Goods Distribution Practice (GDP)
- Quality procedures
The company operates with a sense of responsibility, according to business ethics. It remains committed to sustainable development, respecting the needs of individuals, the society, and the environment. In addition, it adheres to the Corporate Code of Conduct and all legal provisions.
Relevant laws and industry legislation and codes include:
- O.F. (National Organisation for Medicines) & Ministry of Health circulars
- Greek OTC Industry Association (E.F.E.X.) Code of Ethics
- Greek Baby Foods & Specialised Nutrition Industry Association (S.E.P.T.E.D.E.) Code of Ethics