
Infant dietary care with the baby’s needs in mind

The Novalac range of infant dietary formulas ranked 1st in unit sales for the calendar years 2020, 2021, 2022, 20231

1 Source: IQVIA, Nutritional database data, Greece National Retail Pharmacies panel, category "35G Milk Products for Children"

The story begins in 1991 when a team of pharmacists, pediatricians and research scientists began to explore ways to manage gastrointestinal problems with dietary solutions. The outcome of these studies was the development of the world’s first powdered infant formulas designed to manage acid reflux, colic and constipation.

To date more than 50 clinical trials and studies have been conducted involving more than 48,000 infants evidencing the effectiveness of Novalac products, as well as high rates of satisfaction from parents and pediatricians.

The Novalac range of infant dietary solutions are produced exclusively in Europe, in Germany and France. All factories employ an ISO 9001 quality management system in accordance with international standards, while over 700 quality control checks are carried out during the production process.

The Novalac range of infant dietary products offers specific solutions in infant nutrition to address specific problems that infants and young children may face in the period from birth to 36 months, including:

  • Colic
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Regurgitation / gastroesophageal reflux
  • Cow's milk protein allergy
  • Severe cow’s milk protein allergies/multiple food allergies

Always consult your pediatrician.


Available exclusively from pharmacies.


For more information, please visit:


IMPORTANT NOTE: Breast milk is best for babies. Mothers need to maintain a healthy diet when breastfeeding. If not breastfeeding, infant formula should be used in accordance with the advice of a healthcare professional. Improper preparation of an infant formula may cause health hazards.
The content on this website neither constitutes nor can be interpreted that it constitutes or substitutes advice for the use of a product. Consult your Physician or your Pharmacist.
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